Teatr Muzyczny Capitol

Romeo and Juliet

The opening night: 28  September 2024 on the Big Stage
Estimated duration: 3h (1 intermission)
We display English surtitles∗
(original text by William Shakespeare)
the surtitles are best visible on the ground floor in the rows VII-XII and on the balcony – in its central part, in the rows I-X

recommended for the audience 16+
stroboscope/smoke/cigarette smoke

The musical „Romeo and Juliet” directed by Jan Klata is a staging of one of William Shakespeare’s most famous dramas, telling the story of the love between two young people who come from the rival families. The drama was written in the 16th century, but its timeless message allows for new, original interpretations. This will be the case with our staging, which will resonate with the complex interpersonal relationships that have divided societies and communities for centuries.

The work of the English playwright focuses on the conflict of the feuding families, the Capulets and the Montagues and the love story of their two representatives. Romeo Montague meets Juliet at the party with her family and falls in love at first sight. At this point, feelings of the two young lovers are put to the great test, which will also be subjected to Romeo and Juliet’s closest ones. In Jan Klata’s adaptation, the conflict of the two families comes to the fore, resulting in polarization. Can a relationship between two people develop and survive in such conditions? Is intimacy in love possible, unmarked by the expectations and opinions of the loved ones? The story and the ending of Romeo and Julie’ s love are well known, but the above questions have been constantly gaining momentum since the creation of the famous drama.

Jan Klata, director of the performance:

This is my third time directing the play at the Capitol, I really like coming back here, I have a great respect for this team. In our production of „Romeo and Juliet” we try to read what the author wrote. We try to tell the story in a universal way, which is why the action doesn’t take place in Ukraine or the Gaza Strip, but at the same time, of course, it takes place everywhere. We avoid literalness of a place and era. We are encouraged to do so by the poetry of Shakespeare’s text and the musical convention. In the real world, hardly anyone sings when they die, I haven’t also heard of a plant decoction that kills for only forty two hours. I don’t want to reveal the details of this staging, but I assure you, that we care about its attractiveness. After all, actors will be performing for the audience of seven hundred people.


Jan Klata is responsible for the adaptation of the text by William Shakespeare and the direction of „Romeo and Juliet”. The music is composed by Endy Yden. The set and costumes are designed by Mirek Kaczmarek, the choreography is created by Maćko Prusak and the video projections by Natan Berkowicz.


Text: William Shakespeare
Translation: Stanisław Barańczak
Adaptation, screenplay and direction: Jan Klata
Music: Endy Yden
Set, costume and lighting design: Mirek Kaczmarek
Video projections: Natan Berkowicz
Choreography: Maćko Prusak
Vocal preparation: Magdalena Śniadecka
Director’s assistant: Małgorzata Stobiecka
Costume and choreography designer’s assistant: Maria Mordarska

Stage Managers: Wojciech Kupczyński, Małgorzata Szeptycka, Hubert Michalak, Agata Jaszke


Romeo: Jan Kowalewski
Juliet: Klaudia Waszak
Capulet: Cezary Studniak
Lady Capulet: Justyna Szafran
Friar Laurence: Konrad Imiela
Martha: Justyna Woźniak
Paris: Mateusz Kieraś
Benvolio: Dawid Suliba
Mercutio: Hugo Tarres (AT Warszawa)
Tybalt: Rafał Kozok
Montague: Tomasz Leszczyński
Lady Montague: Magdalena Szczerbowska
Prince: Elżbieta Kłosińska
Rosaline: Ewa Szlempo-Kruszyńska
The Ghost of Verona: Emose Uhunmwangho
Friar John: Krzysztof Suszek

Mateusz Brenner
Bożena Bukowska
Jacek Skoczeń

Students of the Capitol Musical School:
Zofia Banasik
Bartosz Horbowski
Helena Kosecka
Szymon Majkrzak

I conductor, bass, double bass, moog: Adam Skrzypek
II conductor, keyboard: Łukasz Bzowski
Guitars: Maciej Mazurek/Magdalena Czwojda
Percussion, electronic percussion: Sebastian Skrzypek/ Dariusz Kaliszuk
Saxophone, clarinet, flute: Robert Kamalski
I violin/concertmistress: Beata Wołczyk
II violin: Joanna Trzaska/Anna Gruszczyńska
Alto: Dariusz Wołczyk/Małgorzata Szczepanowska
Cello: Emilia Danilecka



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